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Keep Your Child Healthy This Summer

Students traveling to the United States for summer programs have exciting times to look forward to. It is important to stay healthy as they explore, learn, and grow.

Of course, you want your child to remain healthy while they are away this summer. Here are seven ways to keep them well.

  • Protect their skin. Sunburn is damaging yet can be prevented. They will likely be involved in many outdoor activities. While you can’t be there to remind them to use sunscreen and reapply it, making it available may help them get into the healthy habit. Ensure your child has plenty of money if they need to purchase sunscreen. It is recommended for children to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Hats and protective clothing can also help, so be sure to pack them.
  • Encourage good nutrition. Students who are on their own for summer camp may choose less healthy food options. Though the camp likely prepares a wide range of food, urge your child to eat well (at least most of the time) and to stay hydrated so they are properly fueled to handle physical activity and the stress of being somewhere new.
  • Stay connected. Whether you prefer to connect via text, phone, email, or video, make sure your child has the tools to do so—as well as chargers so they can keep their devices charged. Even if your child isn’t into mailing letters, you may want to send them a note. These small connections can help your child’s mental health, especially as they are far from home, trying new things, and meeting new people. Your child may not seem like they want to reach out, but knowing you are there when they need you can provide an added layer of support as they immerse themselves in their summer experience. And staying in touch will give you peace of mind, too.
  • Know what the camp provides. You can save space in your child’s suitcase—and your budget—if you know what supplies the camp may provide, such as towels, sunscreen, water bottles, and other must-haves. Depending on the type of camp your child is attending, see what is included in the price. 
  • Make friends with the camp nurse. Summer camps usually have a nurse on site to tend to injuries and other ailments. See what they offer and do some research about nearby doctors and hospitals in the event your child needs either routine or emergency care. If your child is on any medications, be sure to send a sufficient amount and talk to the camp nurse. Having open lines of communication can give you peace of mind and ensure your child knows where to go if they need help. 
  • Be preventative. Make sure any applicable medical visits are scheduled before your child leaves home. For instance, if they need a prescription refill or if they need a physical, do it before they leave. You want to avoid a routine medical care visit when your child is in a different country. 
  • Know the COVID-19 policies. Ask the camp about their policies in the event of an outbreak. It’s a good idea to be aware ahead of time if your child may need to pack a mask or know what the camp’s treatment protocol would be if your child is sick.

With sufficient planning, your child will be ready to enjoy a memorable summer camp experience as an international student. 

When your child is studying in a foreign country, their health and safety are priorities. Let ISM’s International Scholar Protection give you peace of mind knowing your child has access to high-quality health care (offered by the Blue Cross Blue Shield® PPO network) no matter where they are in the U.S.
Contact for more information.